It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we wish to inform our donors, benefactors, beneficiaries and all well-wishers, of the passing of

Mrs. Jean E. OBI, Member British Empire, Member Federal Republic of Nigeria, founder of our Nigerwives Braille Book Production Centre.

A math teacher by profession, Mrs. OBI worked tirelessly for many years, to give back to society and especially to the Visually Impaired community. Her groundbreaking work has been internationally acclaimed for her contribution to the development and advancement of Braille, particularly in Nigeria.

Her legacy is outstanding and will never be forgotten.

Kindly be reassured that the work of the Centre will continue. Since Mrs. Obi’ s retirement a few years ago, the Centre’s management and team have worked in earnest to uphold her commitment to assist those who need its assistance.

Rest in Peace Dear Mrs. J. OBI!